Leeds Building Society


How we took Leeds Building Society to 10 Downing Street .

Every day, 233 people miss out on buying their first home. By 2028 these lost buyers could collectively form a city bigger than Coventry, Bristol, and Cardiff. So we created that city, and called it Losthaven.

We put Losthaven on the map where it mattered - the biggest political conferences of the year, where the housing crisis was a hot topic for UK policymakers. And through content, social activity and postcards delivered directly to 10 Downing Street, we helped unwilling residents make their voices heard.




first time buyers interested in LBS

ignited with the Housing Minister
& Metro Mayors

The quality of the work from Brave Spark has got more and more impressive. They bring to the table big ideas that have punch and reflect a brand on the move to better things.

Beccy Dye, Head of Brand, Leeds Building Society


Virgin Experience Days


The Unheard Third